Independent · Open · Direct
Find coaches who are endurance athletes by themselves and help you achieve your training goals.
If you are a coach, register for free in the coaches directory. Enjoy your independence now.

Jürgen Nimmerfroh


Juan Manuel Sende

Patrick Romer

John Sowler

Sebastian Dewes

Tobias Becker


Der Laufcoach - Manuel Hein

Passion Running

Kerstin Richter-Roth

Philipp Huhn

Alexander Gruschinskiy

mert sarışen


Paul van Dam

Smail SAI

Sascha Schleibach

With the Tredict coaches directory, you, as an endurance athlete, can find ambitious coaches who create and offer you modern training plans.
Tredict training plans work with metrics such as FTP or hrMax and automatically adjust to your own capacity.
As a trainer, you create your own training plans today and apply them to several connected athletes at the same time.
Join the coaches directory for free.
Designed to sustain your endurance.